- 1:54 PM
I was too lazy to take a picture, so here you go. |
One of the frustrating parts of the past two years has been figuring out what I can and can't eat. Once we figured out I had endometriosis, it was a little less frustrating since I sort of had guidelines. But I still hate feeling awful after meals or having to forego foods I once enjoyed. (Although I was never crazy about red meat or alcohol, so that's not a loss...)
But this has also been a good thing for Andrew and me. We've been eating a lot healthier lately, and I've devoted more time to taking care of myself. I've also discovered new foods that I like and how to cook them.
- 9:00 AM
Find this tank and more at http://www.prettygirlmovementapparel.com/ |
Before I begin, I'd like to put in a plug for a clothing company started by a former high school classmate. Pretty Girl Movement inspires body positivity and fitness in all women, regardless of size or age. I, like many women, often struggle with self-image and motivating myself to work out, so this was definitely a movement I could get behind. I bought a tank that I could show off at my yoga studio, and it really does remind me why I work out: to feel good about myself inside and out. Check out the website to learn more and browse their selection of tanks, snapbacks, sweatshirts and more.
Okay, now onto the yoga!
- 9:00 AM
I'm going to start off this blog post with a disclaimer. Upon skimming through a post I made a few days ago, one reader thought that I was advocating substituting an anti-inflammatory diet in place of treatment and medication. In response to that, I said, "Wow, noooo way am I doing that." I was actually sort of baffled that anyone would think that, but after re-reading that post, I could see how someone may interpret what I said that way. So I apologize for any confusion, and I've updated the post accordingly.
Absolutely do not use this diet in place of medication. I personally am taking continuous birth control as a way to slow/stop endometriosis production. This diet won't stop endo. What I believe it will do is help manage the symptoms you might feel as a result of endo (upset stomach, indigestion, general pain and discomfort, etc.)
So again, sorry for any confusion. I'm not advocating for foregoing treatment and medication. If there's one thing I firmly believe in, it's the power of modern medicine and science. So please don't stop taking your medication, and please don't use a blog written by a 24-year-old with a BA in political science in place of real-life doctor advice.
Anyway, on with the food! (Note: I don't consider this recipe anti-inflammatory, due to how I felt afterward, but it is delicious.)
- 4:27 PM
My recovery buddy (when she doesn't feel like eating my hair) |
Hey! You can now have my new blog posts sent to your email. Cool.
It's been about four weeks since my laparoscopy, and I'm still not feeling 100 percent. On good days, I'm at about an 85 percent. But today, I think I'm still hovering around 60.
Following yoga on Sunday, I started to feel some bruising behind the incision on my belly button and decided to skip class on Tuesday. I was all ready to go to class on Thursday, until I felt some of my old familiar pain creep in and cause me to completely lose focus at work.
- 11:53 AM
Before I get into how much I love tea, I just wanted to thank everyone who has looked at my blog this week. After I officially rolled it out on my Facebook page and Twitter, my blog received more than 600 views. Say whaaat?!
More importantly, I have received an outpouring of love and support, even from people I haven't talked to in years. Friends offered to connect me with physicians and physical therapists. Acquaintances reached out to let me know they suffered from endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome and offered encouragement and advice throughout my treatment. And even others just sent me a quick message to let me know they read my blog and hoped I felt better soon.
All of this has been incredibly humbling and motivating, and I'm tearing up a bit just writing about it. I really don't feel especially brave or inspiring for writing this blog, and honestly, my endo is not nearly as bad as many other women out there. But I truly appreciate every single word of encouragement, no matter who it comes from (I mean it), and I really hope this blog can be helpful to someone, regardless if they suffer from a chronic condition or not.
Anyway, before I get too sappy and sentimental, let's talk about tea. My recommended soundtrack for this blog post is anything by David Bowie because it's his birthday and he's fantastic.
- 12:05 PM
This is what happens when I try to do yoga at home. |
Right after my wedding, I got into yoga. I wanted to find an exercise routine that worked for me and that I actually wanted to do every day, and yoga had always sounded appealing to me. After finding a Groupon for a studio down the street from my apartment, I decided to actually give it a shot.
As far as yoga studios go, mine is pretty intense. It permanently smells of incense, has pictures of the Dalai Lama and other notable Buddhists all over the walls, and my instructor leads us in chants with a harmonium before class and rambles in Sanskrit a lot. In other words, get on my level.
- 12:29 PM
My entire life, I have disliked fish. The only type I could occasionally eat were the fish fillets my mom would make once in a while. But when I decided to cut out red meat entirely from my diet, I realized the only types of meat I could eat were chicken and turkey. That didn't leave me a lot of options...
So after doing some soul-searching and Pinterest-ing, I decided to give fish another shot. After all, I'm a big kid now, and my food interests have changed pretty dramatically over the past few years. And when I saw this dish included my all-time favorite food, avocado, I couldn't say no.
- 12:54 PM
Here are parts one and two of my diagnosis.
Two weeks after my surgery, I kicked off New Year's Eve at my ob/gyn's office for a follow-up appointment. I, like everyone else, decided to sneak this in before my insurance deductible ran out, and so Andrew and I sat in a crowded waiting room, playing on our phones. I didn't have to wait long, but it felt like forever. I had been pouring over endometriosis message boards and reading articles all throughout our Christmas travel, and I was ready to get some answers directly from my doctor.
Two weeks after my surgery, I kicked off New Year's Eve at my ob/gyn's office for a follow-up appointment. I, like everyone else, decided to sneak this in before my insurance deductible ran out, and so Andrew and I sat in a crowded waiting room, playing on our phones. I didn't have to wait long, but it felt like forever. I had been pouring over endometriosis message boards and reading articles all throughout our Christmas travel, and I was ready to get some answers directly from my doctor.
- 12:31 PM
As part of my effort to get better and avoid a drastic treatment like Lupron, I have decided to change my diet and focus on eating anti-inflammatory foods. This is great for both Andrew and me, since his family has a history of arthritis and other inflammatory illnesses.
Now, I am not a good cook. I can bake an awesome pumpkin cheesecake or whip together some cupcakes, but cooking is not my forte. Andrew, on the other hand, is a great chef. He makes everything look easy and delicious. But now that there is a mission behind my food, I have started to get back into the kitchen and acquaint myself with domestic living.
- 12:00 PM
If you're just joining me here, it might be helpful to read part one of my diagnosis first.
After Dr. Carl suggested a laparoscopy, I spent some time weighing my options and talking things over with my mom and Andrew. More than anything, I was worried that this surgery - my first ever - would be all for nothing. I would spend an absurd amount of money on an invasive procedure, only to find out that no, I didn't have endometriosis. Instead, I just kind of suck at life and can't handle my pain. But my desire for peace of mind finally outweighed my fear of anesthesia and spending money, and I scheduled the laparoscopy.
- 1:47 PM
For as long as I can remember, I have dreaded my period. Not in the "Hahaha Shark Week, amirite?!" sort of way that most girls hate their period. I mean a profound, all-consuming feeling of dread that's caused me to cancel social plans and expect to miss work or school at least once a month. Because I knew that for at least a day or two, I would be in bed, completely paralyzed with pain and desperately clinging to a heating pad for some semblance of relief. Painkillers were useless. The only solution was to wait to pass out from the pain and sleep it off.
- 12:03 PM